Instagram’s best practices are always changing and it can be overwhelming to keep up. We’ve got you covered. This is a topic Stef has touched on before, but we’ve got a few new strategies and tips you can use to get the Instagram algorithm on your side.

*Not up for a full read? Watch the video below!*

Let’s recap

In our last IG 101 video, Stef shared her tips for you to work with the algorithm and boost your content. Here’s a recap of what we covered: 

  • Follow relevant accounts
  • Vary your feed posts to include still photos, videos, and carousels
  • The first hour after posting is the most important — engage, engage, engage!
  • Share your feed post to your Instagram story to let your followers know about fresh content
  • Add Alt Text to your feed posts to help with indexing
  • Like the comments on your previous post
  • Use both relevant and niche hashtags
  • Use all of Instagram’s features 

We highly recommend watching that video to get caught up or to refresh your memory on the above. Let’s dive into updated Instagram best practices and tips for business!


Did you know 79% of users open stories before they scroll? That’s a massive number, and it means you have the chance to capture eyes as soon as they get into the app. So how do we do that? 

  1. Get in the habit of posting

Try to post at least one story per day. I know, it can be awkward or we can feel like we don’t have anything exciting to show off — but it’s all about getting in the groove. Think of posting stories like a muscle. A muscle can’t grow if you don’t exercise it. 

The algorithm favors posting 3-5 stories per day. That might seem like a LOT in the beginning, but the more you post, the easier it gets to spot those “postable” moments.

  1. Make the most of Story features

As you’re posting, remember to use all of Instagram’s Story features like music, polls, questions, gifs, and any stickers that can apply to your business. Not only will the app boost your stories, but it’ll help keep your content varied and increase your engagement with your audience.


Reels are still new(ish). Let’s de-mystify them. If you’re wondering what they are and why the heck they’re important you can watch my initial video on Reels here.

  1. How often should you post reels? 

Instagram recommends posting 4-7 Reels a week. Yes, that’s a LOT. As for most things when it comes to social media, I say stick to quality over quantity. Sure, you could pump out 5 Reels per week, but are they valuable to your audience? If the answer is no, decrease the quantity and up the quality. 

  1. Reels are not TikToks

Reels and TikToks are similar, but their intended audiences are different and at the end of the day, the companies are competitors. So keep them separate. Remember: you wouldn’t eat a Big Mac in a Burger King — so I don’t recommend duplicating your TikToks onto Instagram. But if you’re going to cross-post, be sure to remove the watermarks to avoid having your engagement dinged. 

While TikTok gives you up to a minute for videos, keep Instagram Reels to 30 seconds max.

  1. Check for final touches 

Be sure to keep all the text within the feed frame and choose a thumbnail that will still fit your on-feed aesthetic.

NOTE: Reels are a great way to increase your following and get your content in front of new, applicable audiences. Just like TikTok’s For You Page, users can continuously scroll through Reels that the algorithm deems relevant to them.

Direct Messages

Your DMs are another tool you can use to build real relationships with your followers. When it comes to messages, authentic engagement is key! Lucky for us, Instagram has a ton of features to help us connect with our followers.

  1. Slide into those DMs

Don’t be afraid to slide into someone’s DMs! This is especially easy when someone has already opened a channel for communication by reacting or replying to your stories or commenting on your feed posts. 

  1. Use DM features

Stef always says that Instagram is a SOCIAL media app, and your messages are one of the best ways to get social. You can even switch things up by using voice notes. Not only will Instagram reward you for maximizing their features, but it’s a highly personal way of connecting with someone on the platform. On that note, you can do the same by sending direct pictures, videos, or links in the chat. Your DMs are also great way to also send your engaged followers to your website, a landing page, or even a purchase link!

At the end of the day, it’s about making an authentic connection and building your network!

Have you tried these Instagram tips for your business? We’d love to hear about your experience in the comments.