Copywriting and creative writing are often used interchangeably, but they are NOT the same — and knowing the difference is key to your marketing success. Let’s run through how the two are different and cover a few tried and true copywriting techniques. 

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How are copywriting and creative writing different?

Creative writing is the kind of writing we often see in novels and poetry. It’s fluffy, floral, and long-winded. 

Copywriting, on the other hand, is strategically placing words on a touchpoint to inspire the audience to take action. In copywriting we want to use as few words as possible and really hammer home what’s in it for your audience. 

People are busy, and most people skim pages rather than reading intently. Studies have found readers only consume about 20% of what’s on the page, and 8/10 people only read the headline. The takeaway? Spend time creating compelling headlines that’ll inspire your audience to want more. 

How? Let’s talk about some classic copywriting formulas. 

Proven formulas for effective copywriting

These formulas have been used by marketers for years! Why? Because they work. 

  1. Before – After – Bridge
  • Before: Here’s what your life is like now 
  • After: Here’s how it could be if your problem was solved 
  • Bridge: Here’s how to get there

Example: Are you struggling with your copywriting? Once you understand these basics, you can write copy that converts. These four formulas will get you there. 

  1. AIDA
  • Attention: Get their attention with something bold, and familiarize them with your brand
  • Interest: Generate interest for your product or service.
  • Desire: Make your product or service appealing. This is when you want to show off your brand personality. 
  • Action: Present them with a clear call to action. 

Example: Copywriting doesn’t have to be hard. Broad World Consulting can get help you write words that convert. As copywriters by trade, we’ve helped countless companies level-up. Get in touch with us today. 

  1. Problem, Agitate, Solve
  • Problem: Identify a problem your audience is having
  • Agitate: Agitate the problem
  • Solve: Present them with a solution 

Example: Dealing with writer’s block? Let it get the best of you… OR get past it and write copy that converts. Find out how at 

  1. The Four Cs 
  • Clear 
  • Concise 
  • Compelling 
  • Credible

This one’s less of a formula and more of a technique to keep you on track while copywriting. Before sending that copy out into the world, ask yourself if you’ve checked off the Four Cs. Maybe you’ve got the credibility down, but it’s not concise enough — tighten it up. This will keep you focused. 

Don’t lose sight of brand voice

When using these formats, remember that brand voice is everything. It’s what makes your brand unique and gives you that personal edge your audience can connect with. Remember, this varies from industry to industry. You want to speak in a way your customers can understand, so watch your jargon. For example, if you’re a lawyer trying to connect with ordinary people, maybe it’s best to stay away from legalese — use a conversational tone instead. Make sure your audience can understand you. 

Have you tried any of these copywriting formulas? Let us know below!

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