Did you know that 79% of the time, people tap through Instagram stories before scrolling through their home feed? If you’ve been following my content, you’ll know why I share so much of my life through Instagram Stories. Because they work, period.  They’re an effective way to capture an audience, boost engagement, and convert. So how can you make them work for you and your brand?

Instagram Stories are outlets to show off your brand personality — the side of you that people really connect to. So don’t aim for perfection. Be authentic instead. Use those moments to repeat content, re-engage, and remind your audience without over-saturating your feed with the same posts.

Here are my top eight tips for using Instagram Stories to boost your engagement.

*Don’t feel like reading? Watch the video!*

Set your goals

Setting goals for your IG Stories will give you a game plan and help you commit to posting consistently. What are your priorities are for each post? Sometimes it’s to drive direct conversion, and others, it might be to tell a brand story or show off your personality.

No matter what kind of content you’re putting out, make sure it’s backed with a crystal clear strategy.

Start now — they don’t have to be perfect

It’s time to show up for those goals and do them! They don’t have to be movie-production quality. They just need to be engaging and speak to your unique audience. It might feel like a slow or awkward start, but the more often you post, the more natural it’ll get.  

Make it easy on yourself by setting up a content calendar that outlines which Stories are going live on which days. Then, fill in the blanks with on-the-go Stories that make sense for your brand. Keep an eye out for shareable moments that’ll pop up naturally as you go about your day.

Be conscious of your brand aesthetic and voice

Show up online the same way you would in a meeting, on your website copy, in emails, and in all of your assets. Remember, every piece of your branding is connected. So while it might seem like a small detail, how you speak in your Stories ties into how you present yourself. Communicate with your audience in a way that’s relatable and understandable for them.

The good news is, Instagram has upped their game on customization — so you can make your Stories your own, and make your brand stand out. Play with fonts and colours to find the best fit for your brand. Then, stick with that typography and colour story.  

Use the in-app features

Instagram is constantly rolling out new features to help you engage your audience. Try to use as many as possible! Not only will Instagram love you for it and boost your engagement, but it keeps things fresh.

Features like Questions and Polls can be used in a practical way to get feedback from your following. Wondering how your audience feels about your new product? Use Questions and ask them directly!

Add media

Things like GIFs, Stickers, and Music are all there to make your Stories unique and engaging. Play with media and drop in elements that make sense for your brand personality.  

Engage with DMs and sticker replies

As you use Stories more often, you’ll start getting replies and direct messages from your audience. This is exactly what we want! More engagement, more conversations, and more chances to have a two-way conversation. As I always say, Instagram is a SOCIAL media platform. So get social and keep that conversation going. Always engage back with people who write to you — and as you do, don’t forget to speak in your brand voice (read tip #3 for a refresher).  

Maintain a variety of content

Keep a rotation of different kinds of content to keep things interesting. The last thing we want is for our audience to eye roll after posting the same thing for the millionth time.

Test different forms of content like straight to camera, product shots, or showing off the talented members of your team. 

Post your feed posts to Stories in a conversational way

After posting on your feed, go ahead and share it on your Stories. Not only will it spark conversations with your audience, but it also boosts your algorithm. Check out my Instagram 101 blog post for a deeper overview of this. 

Are Instagram Stories part of your content calendar? Let me know which of these strategies work best for you!